Urban Legends: Black Eyed Children

So we are most of the way through October and I haven’t put any spooky content up! Not like me at all, I know. Over the last couple of months I have developed some very painful swollen hands that have made me not want to do a lot of things like type for my blog posts or do my makeup like I usually do. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in November for the suspected rheumatoid arthritis. With that being said, I am going to type things as I feel up to it, and I will probably have some spooky season content through November. Then as long as I’m pushing spooky season back I’ll probably do it as long as I feel like through the next year as I had a few topics I wanted to talk about in October 😂! Those who know me know that I’m obsessed with all things spooky, so there is no shortage of topics for me to write about! In this post, I’ll be talking about an urban legend - but not just any urban legend - one that gained it's popularity right here in Abilene, Texas. That’s ri...