St. Patrick's Day History

It is March! We’ve had to go through a lot through 2021 to get here. The snow-pocalypse was quite the ordeal. I hope that everyone made it through safely with minimal damages to your homes. I also hope that everyone has water back to their homes! I know that it took a couple of weeks for some of my friends and family to get their water back here in Abilene. Throwback to 2010 Now that all of that is over, we are now into Spring! Spring Break is happening soon and it’s about time for St. Patrick's Day on March 17, which also happens to be one of my cousins' birthday! So I thought that it would be fun to do some research and give some back story on what this day is and why we celebrate it, because I honestly am not sure myself. All I’ve really ever known about it is that it is an Irish holiday that you need to wear green to avoid getting pinched! Let’s start with the name of the holiday. St. Patrick was a man that lived in the fifth century, who was born in Roman Britain. He wa...