Happy Hour
Having a drink at the end of the day or on the weekends is always nice. It’s even better when you can get together with your friends and/or extended family. Obviously, that isn’t something that is able to happen right now with more and more towns enacting shelter in place as the corona virus is spreading across the U.S. and the world. That means we’re all stuck at home and have to make our own fun! So, I figured I’d give some fun and yummy drinks to make as we’re all trying to stay sane and have some fun through all of this.

Drink # 1: Sweet Revenge Whiskey. This is a whiskey that is made here in the good old U.S. of A. It isn’t the typical whiskey though, it’s a 71-proof made with natural flavors of strawberry and citrus. It’s not made for taking shots, it’s made to sip and enjoy.
Now here is how I personally love to drink it! Do 1-part Sweet Revenge with two parts lemonade (I used strawberry lemonade in this picture – but regular lemonade tastes great with this too!) and some ice. Trust me, try it now and thank me later! It’s a sweet drink that will go great now that the temperatures are starting to get warmer again!

Drink # 2: Deep Eddy Ruby Red Vodka. This vodka is made in Austin, so for my Texas friends, pretty close to home! This, like the Sweet Revenge, is also not the typical taste. This vodka is infused with real grapefruit juice. Again, this is also made to be sipped on and enjoyed, not taken like a shot.
Whereas you could also add lemonade to this, and it be pretty good, I personally like adding Sprite to this one. The Sprite cuts down some of the tartness from the grapefruit and makes it sweeter. Now if you like it tart, you might want to add sparkling water with lemon and/or lime to mix with it.

Drink #3: Now I know that there is nothing like a freshly made margarita, but honestly that’s not realistic for me. Because of this, we have sampled a few of the different premixed margaritas from the store. 1800 The Ultimate Margarita is by far the best one we have tried yet; it tastes like good restaurant quality.
Now my dad has a twist that he likes to do with his margaritas. He will add the Blue Chair Bay Key Lime Rum Cream. The two liquors don’t mix, so at first you get the margarita, then at the end you get the Key Lime Rum Cream as a dessert.

Drink #4: Everyone loves a good mimosa. I’m not going to sit here and pretend I know the best way to make one or the best things to use – I just wanted to share that I like using the Barefoot Pink Moscato Champagne because they come in the small bottles at Walmart which equates to about 2 drinks (or one big one) so when drinking mimosa’s by yourself you don’t let a bottle of champagne go flat before you get a chance to drink it all.
Drink #5: Vanilla Jim Bean + Dr Pepper. Now this probably sounds pretty typical. That’s because it is. It’s the vanilla that makes it special. I personally love vanilla Dr Peppers and will add vanilla to them whenever I get the chance. It’s just a little something special for your taste buds. It doesn’t have to be vanilla either, there are several different flavors: cherry, honey, peach…
Drink #6: Silver Rum + Mt Dew: All I have to say is that the flavor reminds me of bubblegum. If you ever try it let me know if it reminds you of it too!
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