40 Pictures to Make You Smile

There are all kinds of things going on in the world right now that are definitely stressful. I thought that this would be a good thing to break up everyone's feeds of one bad thing or another and bring some funny pictures for everyone to see and hopefully make you smile! I hope that you enjoy.  

1. Whether it be school, work, or something else, I know this is something that we can all relate to 😂

2. There is a little bit of Spencer in all of us. 

3. Banana's are definitely inferior to the apple.  

4. Candy Crush and Wordscapes are my favorite games to play to ignore the world.

5. We are all weird in our own special way. 

6. ... With a good fudge brownie for desert!  

7. Just not the rest of you 😂

8. I think we need to arrange a meeting between Harry Potter and Thor.

9. The end of finals week. I do not miss this part of collage at all!

10. I would much rather have a haunted leg than a cold!

11. Short term memory probs...

12. We've all got that one topic that we're that passionate about!

13. Say what you want about Twilight, but Charlie has some of the best lines in the series. 

14. Must be sibling problems... wouldn't know, I'm an only child! 

15. If Olaf drinks pink lemonade, he turns into a snow cone. 

16. At least they aren't taking the pregnancy test apart for the "pill" inside!

17. I really need this Phineas and Ferb and Kim Possible crossover to happen. 

18. Legit reason to have a fake ID. 

19. TinkerBell every time! 

20. I have no muscle, but yet, I seem to pull all of them on a regular basis. 

21. Best kind of raw food. 

22. Me every Sunday. 

23. Could you imagine the trouble Captain Jack Sparrow and Deadpool could get in together?

24. Something I have to remind myself on the daily. 

25. So, since the gyms have been closed, we better be praying for the husbands out there. 

26. This is the best scene that Pixar has ever done. 

27. The humor that went right over your head as a kid that's hilarious as an adult. 

28. Gotta have that beauty sleep. 

29. Think Thor would lend his? I think Grumpy Cat would be worthy.  

30. Why not make chocolate pudding at 4am? Is there ever a bad time for chocolate?

31. Very important case. 

32. I'm sure it made sense at the time...

33. My dark and inappropriate sense of humor. 

34. Shaggy has a point there. They probably packed the clean pairs of their same outfits though!

35. No trust when it comes to the remote. 

36. Had she read The Hunger Games, she would have never left the tower. 

37. Get friends that are like good bras, or get bras like good friends. Which ever you find first. 

38. Me this last Spring. 

39. You are a young dog, and we need you to run and get it to tire you out!

40. Me every single time I go to Sephora, or Ulta, or any other makeup store!


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