My 10 Favorite Makeup Youtubers

With school starting again, whether it be online or in person, I though that it would be a good time for me to make a list of some of my favorite makeup YouTubers. So whether you are going back to school, or are just wanting to learn some makeup tips here are my favorite people to learn from!

1. Jaclyn Hill. 

Jaclyn is great for teaching all of the different techniques that come with the different trends that come around with makeup. She is the ultimate makeup teacher that shows you how to put it on and make it actually look good. She mainly sticks to tutorials and recommends products that are tried and true. 

2. Casey Holmes 

Casey will teach some technique, but she mainly tests out different products: both high-end and drug store. She really gives her honest opinion on the products she tests so you can have a good idea how the product performs. She is also known to do seasonal tutorials to do a look showing you the trend of the season. If you're lucky, you might also see her adorable baby and two dogs. 

3. RachhLoves

She is one of the OG beauty YouTubers, but I honestly only found her this year. I love her fun energy and the fact that she does a combination of several different things on her channel. She does product reviews, tutorials, challenges, and everything in between. She talks about things she likes, and doesn't about things she doesn't. Her channel is light and fun, and a good escape. She also has great recommendations! 

4. Taylor Wynn

This girl is the queen of foundation. Don't get me wrong, she is great on all other aspects of makeup too, but foundation is her thing. Every Friday she does a video over foundation, usually testing a new foundation. The other two videos a week she posts either tutorials, product testings, or good old favorites videos.  

5. Glam and Gore

Okay, so Mykie only does beauty makeup some of the time, but she is 100% worth watching. Her humor makes me smile with every video. She can also turn herself into just about anything: a Bratz doll, SpongeBob, Ursula, her dog! She is seriously so talented and hilarious, I really love watching her. 

6. Katy Hodges 

Katy is Mykie's sometimes roommate/best friend. She has recently started her YouTube channel and unlike Mykie, just does beauty makeup. She mainly does tutorials and, like Jaclyn, is a really great teacher. She really takes her time to explain what she is doing to achieve the look that she is going for, which is something that I really love and appreciate. It isn't something that very many people do on YouTube anymore. She also does challenges and has fun with things on her channel. 

7. James Charles

James has been though his share of controversy, but that doesn't change the fact that he is insanely talented. He focuses on the artistic side of makeup. He loves using color and creating art within his face. Most of his videos aren't looks that you'll go out and wear on the daily basis, but watching his does inspire me to think outside of my neutrals box and play with some colors in my makeup. 

8. Jeffree Star

Jeffree has been through his share of controversy and then some, but I do love seeing if a product is Jeffree Star Approved. His channel is usually reviewing products, or showcasing products from his own brand. Leaving aside any drama that surrounds him, he knows product and comes out with great product. I also know that if something is Jeffree Star Approved, I'll probably like it. 

9. Nikkie Tutorials 

Nikkie is like the queen of challenges. You know all of the challenges that there is no possible way for you to make your makeup look good? Well she made it look good. Don't know how, but she did. She also reviews products, usually one that are put out by other YouTubers and will usually give an honest opinion on them. She is a lot like James Charles in the sense that she is not afraid to get creative and use color. Don't worry, her user name isn't a lie, she does put out plenty of seasonal tutorials!

10. RawBeautyKristi

I'll be perfectly honest with you, I've only recently started watching her videos. She just released her palette that broke the internet and sold out almost instantly. She has also finally gotten pregnant after struggling with infertility for over a decade. Her name has gotten pretty big all of the sudden, but she has got some tutorials and some *gorgeous* looks and does a lot of product reviews. I'm excited to watch her more and watch her enter into this new chapter in her life. 



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