Pharaoh's Curse on 2020

 So it is no secret that 2020 hasn’t been going too great. Between the corona craziness as I like to call it, personal hardships I know many of us are going through, the political unrest not just here in the states but many places, amongst other things that have been going on around the world - 2020 has been rough so far. Now what if I were to say it might be because of a curse placed over 3,000 years ago? 

Keep an open mind and hear me out. The tomb of King Tut, or his proper name Pharaoh Tutankhamun was opened for the first time in 1,000s of years in 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter alongside his financial backer Lord Carnarvon, and a select few who were invited. Things only go downhill for him and the people involved in the opening of the tomb. Tut’s tomb is one of the most preserved tombs found to date as most were looted in early times, so at the time they thought their find was something wonderful. 

There was no curse inscribed in or around the tomb of the child king, but there were on older tombs of Pharaohs passed. That didn’t stop people from believing in a curse once people around the opening of the tomb started having mysterious deaths. There is the possibility that they just stopped inscribing the curse because they had gotten the point across, but they still used the energy and intentions to place the curse upon the tomb. The curse is said to bring bad luck, illness, and death. (I.E. a description of 2020) Disturbing their tombs could prevent them from getting to their afterlives, so they really didn’t want people to disturb their remains. 

I’m not going to go into detail of all of the deaths surrounding the curse, but I will highlight some interesting key points. Lord Carnarvon cut a mosquito bite while shaving and cut his cheek. This cut became infected, causing blood poisoning (sepsis), leading to his death. Okay, weird - but nothing crazy right? Well it was found that upon King Tut’s autopsy that he had a healed scar at the same spot on his cheek. Want to hear something ever weirder? The power grid in the city went out at the time of his death. Back home in London, his dog also died at around the same time. Then soon after his death, his half-brother also dies from blood poisoning! 

Hugh Evelyn-White watched so many other members of the team die that he became so concerned and paranoid by the curse that he took his own life. In his own blood, he wrote “I have succumbed to a curse.” and he killed himself. Some of the other deaths that he lived through could not be explained by the toxic mold theory because they were murders. 

Carter had given one of his friends a gift from the tomb: a mummified hand to be used as a paper weight. On the wrist of the hand there was a bracelet that said: “Cursed be he who moves my body. To him shall come fire, water, and pestilence." Quickly after receiving the hand, his house burned down. When his house was rebuilt, it flooded. Coincidence? I think not! Even if there is no curse involved there (which I totally believe there probably is), it is incredibly disrespectful to be using someone’s hand as a paper weight! It doesn’t matter that the person was thousands of years deceased. 

One of the things that Carter had found among Tut’s burial possessions was his bronze trumpet. It was placed with other various military objects and walking sticks that he used throughout his short life. The trumpet has been blown three times since it was placed in the burial chamber to aid the Pharaoh in his afterlife. Quickly following the sound of his bronze trumpet the revolution broke out, the 1967 war started and the 1991 gulf war started. Seems to me like we should probably take that as a sign to not be blowing an ancient mummies trumpet. 

Now, for the first time since the tomb was discovered just two years short of a hundred years ago, Pharaoh Tutankhamun was removed from his tomb in July of 2019. It’s believed that the first wave of the corona virus hit in October/November of 2019. Whereas 2020 is when things really started to get crazy, it had already started in 2019 in more than just corona. 

So in the wise words of Mike Wazowski, “Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!” Although the damage is already done and things have already been set in motion. Putting him back wouldn’t stop the curse at this point I don’t think, but it might keep it from getting worse. 


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