3 Tips That Helped Me Get Over COVID

Hello everyone! We are here in 2021. I had intended on getting a post up before Christmas, but life kind of got in the way of that. I have still been dealing with the pain in my hands, which has been officially diagnosed by a rheumatologist as rheumatoid arthritis. I have started a new medication that has thankfully really reduced my pain to where I can feel like I can type for a little bit now and the swelling has been significantly reduced. The week of Christmas though, I got COVID! I got a fairly mild case, I never ran a fever the whole time that I was sick. There were several things that I did that I truly believe helped me not get as sick, and get over it more quickly. I mainly felt like I had a sinus infection, and I lost my sense of smell. I did have some body aches, but they were no worse than when I have a fibromyalgia flare up. I like finding natural at-home remedies to illnesses, especially because I already take so many medications that don't go well with most cold med...