3 Tips That Helped Me Get Over COVID

Hello everyone! We are here in 2021. I had intended on getting a post up before Christmas, but life kind of got in the way of that. I have still been dealing with the pain in my hands, which has been officially diagnosed by a rheumatologist as rheumatoid arthritis. I have started a new medication that has thankfully really reduced my pain to where I can feel like I can type for a little bit now and the swelling has been significantly reduced.

The week of Christmas though, I got COVID! I got a fairly mild case, I never ran a fever the whole time that I was sick. There were several things that I did that I truly believe helped me not get as sick, and get over it more quickly. I mainly felt like I had a sinus infection, and I lost my sense of smell. I did have some body aches, but they were no worse than when I have a fibromyalgia flare up. 

I like finding natural at-home remedies to illnesses, especially because I already take so many medications that don't go well with most cold medications. So, naturally when I got COVID, I did what I could to help myself get better naturally. This is not a replacement for medical advice or going to the doctor though. This is just what I did to help myself feel better. 


Immunity Shots

After I knew that I had the exposure from another person with the virus, before I even started exhibiting symptoms, I started taking immunity shots daily so my immune system could be at it’s best to fight the virus if I were to catch it. Then, I continued to take them after I started displaying symptoms to continue to help my immune system so I could get over it as quickly and easily as possible. 

Vitamins and Antioxidant drinks 

On top of taking lots of regular vitamins (emergen-c immune +, zinc, sinus support.) I also drank things like Pom super antioxidant tea, Sparkling Ice with antioxidants and vitamins, and Propel Vitamin Boost with electrolytes. All things that were helping my body and immune system be at its best. These drinks are all super yummy, so if you don't lose your sense of taste, that will help you want to drink them! I know that I had a weird taste stuck in my mouth and sipping on these helped get that taste out for a little bit. 

It is also super important to stay hydrated when you are sick. It helps your body work at it's best and does help you feel better, even if you really don't want to drink anything. This was something that I did struggle with for a couple of days because of my congestion. Due to my congestion, I was having trouble breathing, making me reluctant to want to drink anything. The best thing to do is to just to pace yourself and try to keep up with the amount of fluids you are consuming. 

Homemade, all natural, Vicks 

At the worst of my illness, I was really really congested and my sinus passageways were really swollen making it hard for me to breathe. I really needed something like Vicks rub to help open things up so that I could breathe. Because at the point my oxygen saturation was 93, which was still in the safe zone, but definitely uncomfortable. I personally do not like using Vicks because it has so many chemicals and the fact that you aren’t supposed to put it on your face. So I made a home-made version that was all natural and safe to put around my nose. 

I didn’t use exact measurements, but I got a small container and filled it about 2/3's of the way with coconut oil. Then I put in a few drops of tea tree oil (antibacterial and antiviral properties), a couple drops of eucalyptus oil (also has antibacterial and antiviral properties, it is also proven to help fight respiratory infections.), and several drops of peppermint oil (invigorating properties that help open up your sinuses amongst many other benefits.) I then placed it on my chest, nose (where it is thought that the virus lives), and temples. Even though I didn't have a sense of smell it really opened up my sinus passageways so that I could breathe. Within a day of me starting to do this, I was back to starting to feeling like myself again.   

You can also use the oils that I put in the rub in an essential oil diffuser. I do have to note though that eucalyptus is toxic to animals so be careful when using this. I made sure that I wasn't cuddling with my chihuahua, TinkerBell, when I had my rub on. I also made sure I a diffused anything with eucalyptus that room was closed off from TinkerBell. 

Whereas I hope that none of you have to use these little tips that that helped me with my stint with COVID, I do hope they help you if you do get it. They can also help for just a common cold or sinus/upper respiratory infection. Again, this is not a replacement for medical advice or going to the doctor. This is just what helped me and my experience in going through COVID. Everyone reacts differently to the virus and should do things accordingly. 


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