Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month


May is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome awareness month. As someone who has this, and can see that this condition is something that no one really knows much about, I think it's pretty important to spread awareness. I could probably talk about this condition and all that it entails for hours, so I'm going to share 30 photos I have found that shows a little bit about the condition and living life with it. 

  • A letter for anyone who has a loved one with dysautonomia, which EDS is under the umbrella of:

  • EDS affects many areas of the body:

  • We've got fun party tricks that freak people out😂

  • This condition can be painful.

  • This is what EDS can look like:

  • When you know more about the condition that most anyone else, including your doctors:

  • Things people with EDS, or really any other chronic/invisible illness do not want to hear.

  • Living with EDS


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