Answering Random Reddit Questions

Q: What is one part of your hobby that you hate doing?

A: My hobby would definitely be makeup for anyone who doesn't know. The part that I hate doing the most would probably have to be applying false lashes. That's why I don't do it very often! I love the way they look, but I've got just enough of a hand tremor that it's hard to get it right on the lash line! The second would be winged eyeliner - for the same reason - but I've got a few tricks that make it easier so I do winged eyeliner much more often. 

Q: What smells aromatically good but tastes like ****? 

A: Coffee. I know, I'm the weirdo that doesn't like coffee. To me it tastes absolutely nasty, and if I drink it then I have to put a lot of flavoring in it to get it down. I do like the smell of it though. Stepping into a coffee shop, or just the coffee isle in the grocery store, and taking a deep breath is the best. That's it though. Don't want coffee flavored things, or even scented candles. Just like the smell of fresh coffee.

Q: Who is a celebrity you want to be friends with?

A: My answer now is way different than it would be a few years ago. I've come to the conclusion that meeting celebrities probably isn't all that it's cracked up to be. All we know about them is the little bit about their lives that they let us know, so we honestly don't really know them. Now with that being said, I do think I would love being friends with a YouTuber I watch, Hailey Reese. Look below of the most recent music video she's released, Loving Me. It's one of my favorite songs 😊.

Q: What is one cartoon that did not deserve to be canceled? 

A: Kim Possible. That show was the best. We do not speak about the live action that came out a couple of years ago, in my mind it just doesn't exist because it wasn't good. In my mind it's just cartoon Kim Possible with Christy Carlson Romano, Will Friedle, and Tahj Mowry. Call me beep me if you wanna reach me!
What's New Scooby-Doo was also so good! I don't know why it only lasted 3 seasons. None of the renditions they have attempted since then have compared. Now someone needs to get on making Scooby-Snack dog treats that I can give my dog, TinkerBell.

Q: What is a known fact that is actually scary af? 

A: That there is volcano in Yellowstone that could literally go off at any time that would kill us all. 

Q: How often do you guys talk to yourself?

A: All of the time. That's what internal monologue is. Most of us have that. Now if you are meaning out loud, sometimes - maybe a couple of times a day?

Q: You are now immune to fall damage, what will you do?

A: Gymnastics. That was a no brainer for me. Let's throw the big and crazy skills. There is no reason to fear any of them if you are immune to fall damage!

Q: Who is the best Disney villain?

A: Dr. Facilier, cause you know he's got friends on the other side 👻😂. I do have to put out there though that if I counted Once Upon a Time as Disney, I would totally say that Evil Queen or Rumpelstiltskin would be my favorite. 

Q: What is one food you are so much of at any point in your life, that you were turned off of it forever (or at least a few years?) 

A: Chicken salad. In high school I ate it every day for lunch because it was easy. Now the only chicken salad I eat is from one of the local restaurants here in Abilene, Hickory Street Cafe (and it's delicious). (Click here to check out my post on other locally owned restaurants in Abilene!)

Q: You get a cat and the last thing you ate is what you have to name it. What is your cat's name?

A: My cat's name would be almond butter brownie 😊 I think I would call him/her Brownie for short.

Q: What was your favorite childhood show?

A: As a little kid it was Blue's Clues, you have no idea how sad it was to learn that I COULDN'T just ska-doo into a picture. You lied to me Steve 😅.
As a big kid is was Hannah Montana, 'cause it was the Best of Both Worlds. 

Q: What is your favorite YouTube channel?

A: I think that I have two favorite channels: Jaclyn Hill (no surprise there) she does makeup tutorials, and in my opinion is one of the only people that actually teaches makeup on YouTube anymore. She is great for any stage of learning. 
Second is Hailey Reese, she talks all things paranormal and spooky, and even goes on investigations. It may or may not be a surprise to you, but I love all things spooky. It has to be real though, I have a hard time getting myself to watch horror movies 😂. I didn't find The Conjuring scary scary at all though, so I'm way more willing now.

Q: Do you think aliens exist? Why or why not?

A: Yes. There are a couple of reasons why I believe they exist. First of all, our universe is huge and we have explored so little of it. It would be naive to think that we are alone out here. Just think about it, there is still so much of the earth, where we live, that we haven't explored, aliens could be right under our noses without us realizing it. 
Another reason, if you've ever watched Dead Files on the Travel Channel, you've probably seen that some of the families issues are that they are being abducted by aliens. Whether you believe that or not is your personal decision, but I personally do. There are enough people out there that believe that they have been abducted that they can't all be crazy. Look at all the questionable things that have happened over the last couple hundred years of recorded history, makes you wonder. Going to the UFO Museum in Roswell, NM is a good place to start in research.  

Q: What are two things that don't go together?

A: Ray Stevens and judging the Red Hot Chili Cook-off in Jalapeno, Texas. 
Orange juice and tooth paste
Voldemort and noses
Oil and vinegar
Vampires and sunlight
Messy food and a white shirt
Facebook and chronological order

Q: Do you put your car in park what at a drive thru?

A: It depends on which drive through I'm in and how long the line. For example, I never have to at Chic-fil-a no matter how long the line, but even in a short line I would at Whataburger. Now if Sonic counts, yes I always put my car in park at Sonic.  

Q: What were you bullied for?

A: Where to even start with this one lol. The way I dressed, my interests, my weight, my personality, that I didn't have a boyfriend, that I was quiet, then when I would talk - that I was talking in general, that I was stupid, my freckles, my paleness, I got jabbed in the ribs multiple times a day...

Q: What's the dumbest thing you ever felt guilty about when you where younger?  

A: When I was in kindergarten we got prizes for something or other and I lost mine, so I took another one out of the box without asking. Later that day I found my original prize sitting at the bottom of my backpack and I kept both of them.

Q: How do you think the world will end?

A: In fire. 
2 Peter 3:10 (ESV)
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.

Q: What is one profession where you don't ever want to hear them genuinely say "oops" on the job?

A: Tattoo artist, surgeon, dentist, hairdresser, bomb squad...

Q: What's your favorite movie quote?

A: "They're not just babes, they're mid evil babes!"

" I am Groot." 
"I am Steve Rogers."

"Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, dishonor on your whole family!"

Frozone: "Where is my supersuit?" 
Honey: "Why do you need to know?" 
Frozone: "The public is in danger!" 
Honey:"My evening is in danger!" 
Frozone:"It's for the greater good!" 
Honey: "Greater good? I'm your wife! I'm the greatest good you're ever gonna get!" 

"My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die."
"He's not dead, just mostly dead."

"Lizzie McGuire, you are an outfit repeater!"

"Samantha? I don't even know a Samantha! 😂😂😂"

No, I can't choose just one. Not sorry. 

Q: A genie pops out of a lamp and days that he will immediately impart a bachelor's degree's worth of knowledge to every adult in your country; you need only say which bachelor's degree they should receive. Which would you choose and why?

A: A history degree from a professor that gives an accurate representation of how the past really happened, not how some people try to make us believe it happened.  

Q: Who/what fiction/nonfiction character would you pick to be your sidekick in real life?

A: Just to make it easier, I'm just gonna go for fictional characters.
Luna Lovegood, Sirius Black, Hermione Granger, Elsa and Olaf from Frozen, the Gilmore Girls, Bella Swan, Rosalie Hale, Emma Carstairs, Alex Karev, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff ...

Q: What's one good thing, no matter how small, that happened yesterday?

A: I got to eat real food for the first time in a few days that was TMJ friendly. It was delicious!

Q: The government reveals that one species of animal isn't actually from earth and are in fact alien. What animal do you think it is?

A: Octopus. If you have never done any research on them, you should, they are crazy fascinating. 

Q: Without saying the name of the movie, what is a movie quote most people would know?

A: "As you wish." 
"Remember when your mom was a senior when we where freshmen?" "Remember when you asked her to prom?"
"Follow the spiders, follow the spiders! Why couldn't it have been follow the butterflies?"
"I'm doing horizontal running!"
"Let It Go, Let it Go, Can't hold it back any more!"
"I volunteer as tribute!" 
"I am Groot."
"You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Q: What fictional death was the hardest?

A: Fred Weasley. One twin without the other is just cruel. 

*Endgame spoiler*
Black Widow. She should have come back. I'm not convinced that she is still dead to be perfectly honest with you. They really messed things up at the end and so I've got my way in my mind that I've written it to end that is not actually how the movie ended. This is not the first time that I have done this, and probably will not be the last! If I don't like the way something is done in a TV show or movie, I will make up my own way of how I want it to happen.

Q: What is an oddly specific fear of yours?

A: I'm not sure if this is oddly specific or just random, but toothpicks. When I was a kid I accidentally stepped on a toothpick while barefoot and it broke into my heel. My dad spent the rest of that night fishing it out. It was a very painful experience and definitely scarred me for life. Bearing that in mind, here is my PSA to all of you reading this: please always discard your toothpicks in a proper manner. If any are dropped on the floor/ground please pick them up and put them in the trash where they cannot be stepped on.

Q: Has your neighbor ever called the cops on you and why?

A: Yes, actually! When I was about 13, one of my mom's coworkers at the time and I were spending a week day cleaning my house. At the time I did not have a personal house key and we needed to go out to get some supplies. Our solution was to leave the back door unlocked, and when we got back, I could go back there and let her in from the front. When we got back, she backed her truck into the drive way because we were going to be loading some things into it later and I went to the back door that we had left unlocked so I could let her in the front door. My neighbor didn't realize that it was me going to the back of the house to let her in, so he call the cops thinking someone had broken in and was going to be stealing thing things! We got me my own house key pretty quickly after that. I am thankful that we had a neighbor looking out for us!

Q: What would you never buy as 'slightly used'?

A: Hygiene products of any kind, food/chewing gum, underwear, socks, shoes, toilet paper, hats/helmets, makeup, needles/medical supplies, earplugs, mattress, retainers, contacts, nasal spray, acrylic nails...

Q: What are some "famous last words" people say right before they do something stupid?

A: "Hold my beer and watch this!" 
"I'm never gonna die!"
"Someone get out the epipen, this is going to taste great!"
"It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission."
"Make sure you have the lawyer's number on speed dial."

Q: What is a movie/TV show quote that you still reference to this day?

A: iCarly- Spencer: "I may be an idiot, but I'm not stupid."
Mean Girls: "On Wednesday's we wear Pink."
WOWP - Alex: "Ha, no I don't run."
Frozen: Let It Go
Rugrats: "A baby's gotta do, what a baby's gotta do." "You can't handle the button!"

I feel like there are movie/show quotes that I reference way more than these, but you know when you start trying to think of them your mind goes completely blank. 


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